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Before reading hystory, I must ask you:
Do you want a MUI version of ProgED ?
At 2.0 distribution time I'm thinking about a MUI release of ProgED.
Some user asks for it. Anyway I should listen all ProgED users, before
deciding. So let me know your opinion using e-mail, fidonet message or
a simple letter. You can, also, tell me your opinion about MUI when
you'll register your copy of ProgED (:-) !
Please answer this question because from your answers I'll decide if
next ProgED release should be MUI or not. When you'll send me your
opinion, please specify what type of usage you do of ProgED
(programming, generic text editor, etc.).
Giovanni Lambiase
V1.0 - Released on 26-sep-95
V1.1 - Released on 20-oct-95
Changes from V1.0
28-sep-95: (BUG!)
When ProgED opens a new file, it reads its creation date and assign
it to file in PRJ:. Previously ProgED simply used actual date.
This avoid the necessity of compile files not changed but closed and
09-oct-95: (Bug reported from Daniel Stenberg)
ProgED refused to write 8-bits chars (à,ò,ecc.). This was due to a
mistake using wrong type (char instead of UBYTE). FIXED.
09-oct-95: (Suggest from Celestino Amoroso)
Now you can choose the screen mode "Same as Workbench" to clone WB
screen. This can be done only using ASL screen mode req. ReqTools
can't add custom screen mode to list :-(
09-oct-95: (Suggest from Celestino Amoroso)
Now you can scroll around clicking in a window and moving the mouse
off it. Before you have to continue moving the mouse to scroll.
09-oct-95: (Suggest from Daniel Stenberg)
If ProgED can't read its config file, ProgED opened its screen
and windows without menu (if you haven't config you can't get
menus :-) ). Now you can anyway quit. I added a simple menu "Quit".
10-oct-95: (Suggest from Celestino Amoroso)
Now you can open ProgED on any public screen. To do so open the
prefs window "Change screen mode", then write in the string
gadget the name of your favourite screen. Click on "Modify" button.
Choose "Open on public screen" mode. That's all!
You can see this particulary screen mode ONLY if you are using
ASL screen mode req. Why? Look at some lines above.
11-oct-95: (Suggest from Celestino Amoroso)
If you want, now, you can *SPLIT* windows. So you can have multiply
views to same file. This was done adding internal command SPLIT.
12-oct-95: (Suggest from Daniel Stenberg)
When you click on OK button of Miscellaneous prefs windows, ProgED
closed and reopened its screen. Now it does it ONLY if it's really
needed. Generally it closes and reopens only windows.
12-oct-95: (BUG!)
If you load a file saved with XPK libs, then you'll find an
extraneous char in file each 32000 chars. Silly bug!
I translated Italian manual to English language. I hope you'll
can read it, as you see my English isn't so good...
15-oct-95: (BUG!)
If you activated "Erase right" mode and you press return on line
with some spaces at end, and you aren't at line end, you could
delete useful chars! I forgotten to move cursor to end of line
before delete spaces...
16-oct-95: (Suggest from Celestino Amoroso)
Now you can choose any brackets couple using "Brackets" preference
menu. So you can jump (using ramiga+h) from BEGIN to END; (pascal)
or from { to } (C). You can, also, specify, two or more couples!
17-oct-95: (BUG!)
If you cut a text block containing more than one fold, you'll
get wrong line numbers. Simply I wrote == instead of !=.
18-oct-95: (Bug reported from Timo Westen)
Fold/Unfold routines didn't update scroller gadget. FIXED.
18-oct-95: (Suggest from Timo Westen)
Now, like CygnusED, you can also use left amiga to select menu.
18-oct-95: (Bug reported from Timo Westen)
If you use the on-line help feature, selecting a menu using the
HELP key, cursor jumps to mousepointer position. FIXED.
19-oct-95: (BUG!)
Mouse blanker don't works. If you press a key ProgED blanks mouse
pointer but just after it shows arrow again. FIXED.
V2.0 - Released on 7-4-96
Changes from V1.1
20-oct-95: (Suggest from Timo Westen)
Now you can change cursor color using special pens in drawinfo
prefs window. In V1.1 these pens was unused.
21-oct-95: (BUG!)
If you split a window and read its text using the PED: handler,
only one of the splitted windows was locked. Simply, referencing
the Locked field of struct PEDWindow I must use p->SplitMaster->Locked,
so only the Locked field of the split master will be used.
NOTE for all developers: if you used Locked field, you must modify
your sources so to use p->SplitMaster->Locked insteand of p->Locked.
22-oct-95: (Suggest from Celestino Amoroso)
Now you can use following internal commands: "LEFT WORD" and "RIGHT WORD"
to move cursor on words (like CTRL+left/right of CygnusED). I modified
standard prefs to use CTRL+left/right keys.
23-oct-95: (BUG!)
The "find matching bracket" doesn't work if you specified a single
char bracket (such as ( or [) and you have two or more near brackets.
12-nov-95: (Suggest from Johan Sandgren)
Johan suggested me to arrange windows in visible area of screen.
Did it!
13-nov-95: (Suggest from Johan Sandgren)
Now using "Same as Workbench" screen mode, you'll inherit autoscroll
flag, too.
13-nov-95: (BUG ?!?!??!??!?!)
Many users reported me that keyword coloring is faulty while using
256 colors screen. It's not true. Keyword coloring routines was
optimized to use only colors between 1 and 127. Any other value is
14-nov-95: (Suggest from Stefan Ruppert)
In ProgED V1.0 and V1.1 you can even copy a file from window buffer
to anywhere simply by a "copy PED:filename to anywhere". I don't
placed ProgED in shareware domain to let you use it without
registering! Now you can read a max of 8192 bytes from a window
buffer, thus REGISTER NOW!
19-nov-95: (BUG!)
If you fold a function, cut (or clear) a block below the fold itself,
unfold the function and undo the cut (or clear), then ProgED will insert
the block in wrong position. FIXED.
22-nov-95: (BUG!)
Replace function: if replaced string is a prefix of replacing string
ProgED loops forever. FIXED.
Happy new year! 3-jan-96: (BUG!)
An user reported me that choosing 256 color screen and setting up
various colors for keywords, as soon as ProgED closes its screen
it shows up a message like: "can't open text font. Tring topaz/8".
It was an hard bug to find! FIXED.
7-jan-96 (BUG!)
Bruno Barbera reported me that using SysIHack all arrows and
scroller gadgets of ProgED windows were corrupted. Simply I
wronged size calculations. FIXED.
10-jan-96 (BUG!)
Moving cursor using SHIFT or ALT keys didn't store cursor position
so to jump at same column at each line change. FIXED.
12-jan-96 (Suggest from Enrico Altavilla)
Autocompletation improved. Now you can insert into dictionary
a word which is a prefix of another word. Hitting ESC you'll
get smallest string. Hitting again you'll next smallest string
and so on.
14-jan-96 (Suggest from Enrico Altavilla)
Now you can use spaces into keyword to color sentences as
"PTR TO CHAR". You can also color C operators as == or !=.
All seems to work, I hope.
17-jan-96 (BUG!)
If you paste into ProgED window a text cutted using another
program you could cause an enforcer hit! FIXED.
18-jan-96 (BUG!)
ProgED didn't insert new lines when you pasted a columnar block
near text end. FIXED.
18-jan-96 (BUG!)
Now cursor doesn't cycle on first and last text line if you
keep left or right cursor pressed. FIXED.
20-jan-96 (BUG!)
SEARCH internal command didn't work as explained into manual.
SEARCH NEXT didn't use properly case & reverse gadget of
search window. FIXED. SEARCH sintax is changed. SEE MANUAL!
Now ProgED uses memory pools to allocate memory.
25-jan-96 (Suggest from Bruno Barbera)
Now you can use an invoker to run ProgED. It's named "ped" and it's
placed (generally) into ProgED:. Special STICKY option let you to edit
a file and return to shell when you've done. If you don't use
sticky option then ed will run ProgED and will return soon to shell.
27-jan-96 (Suggest from Bruno Barbera)
Now ProgED let you to choose shanghai mode into program edit window.
28-jan-96 (Suggest from Enrico Altavilla)
Now you can specify chars to disable and enable autocase.
28-jan-96 (BUG!)
If you wrote something leaving some spaces on line right end, and
you placed cursor on line body, ProgED erases blanks on right but
don't split the line. FIXED.
Changed ESC key function. Now it closes text windows. It's
necessary to work similarly to triton.library which closes its
windows using ESC key. Some little key change was necessary.
Porting to triton.library finished. It was an hard job.
Created filetype depending preferences.
5-feb-96 (Suggest from Bruno Barbera)
Now all prefs windows are external modules. These external modules
are loaded only if necessary. So ProgED executable size has been
reduced from 290K to 220K.
6-feb-96 (Suggest from Mario Bianchi)
Introduced commands "DEL WORD",to delete an entire word, and
"BACK WORD" to backspace an entire word.
7-feb-96 (Suggest from Bruno Barbera & Enrico Altavilla)
Introduced word-wrapping.
Added mouse preference window. Added MOUSE command to manage
mouse pointer. Added "MARK WORD" command to mark a word.
14-feb-96 (Suggest from Bruno Barbera)
Added generic folder. Now you can specify a start string and a stop
string into folder preference window. The generic folder reads these
strings to check for start line and stop line of the fold.
Any folder can use these strings as it wants.
15-feb-96 (Suggest from Enrico Altavilla)
Added command "LOAD" to load a file into a previously opened window.
15-feb-96 (Suggest from Enrico Altavilla)
Added query "FILE" to show a file requester from arexx scripts.
16-feb-96 (Suggest from Luca Forlizzi)
Now you can use static marker. They are saved in a separate ".mark"
file. At load time all static markers are reloaded.
Improved MOUSE SET command. Now it unmarks all previously marked
blocks. This allows to unmark a block simply clicking in the window.
Compiled first beta-version for Bruno Barbera and Enrico Altavilla.
It's testing time!
Improved filetypes adding two requesters. These requesters ask user
if he/she wants change filetype of file at load time and filename
19-feb-96 (Suggest from Enrico Altavilla)
Added simple support for visible EOLs. Now you can specify a char to
be used to render the EOL. Generally you can use char which ascii
value is 1 to get a simple rectangle. Anyway some font allows you
to render an arrow. I'm using XCourier/13. Using char 13 I get a
small "CR" character.
20-feb-96 (BUG reported from Paolo Menichetti)
Using amigaguide scanner you couldn't obtain real name of nodes
containing spaces. FIXED.
Started documentation update!
Added new search engine. Now you can search simple strings (new
engine) and AmigaDOS patterns (old engine). You can switch between
these engines using "Wildcards" checkbox of the search window.
Now ProgED saves the positions of the Triton windows into config file.
So you can resize and position all windows and save prefs to get
all windows right positioned.
Released second beta-release.
Updated all developers infos.
Updated all query infos into manuals.
14-mar-96 (BUG reported from Costa Tsaousis)
Template management could loop forever. FIXED.
15-mar-96 (BUG reported from Costa Tsaousis)
Deleting a char near a fold or cutting a block ending near a fold
could cause a guru. FIXED.
16-mar-96 (Suggest from Costa Tsaousis)
Now "Find matching bracket" function ignores commented text.
17-mar-96 (BUG reported from Costa Tsaousis)
Closing a fold which follow another fold caused a wrong cursor
position. FIXED.
I'm about to distribute 2.0 release. Today I've prepared the
installation package. Soon you'll see ProgED 2.0.
Sorry. You've to wait some days... Enrico reported me two new bugs
introduced from beta 2.
3-apr-96 (Suggest from Costa Tsaousis)
Costa suggested me to improve window arranging. It seems that on ECS
systems window refreshing is too slow. Now ProgED doesn't refresh
window which don't need refreshing.
Thanks to all ones helped me to improve ProgED, here is a brief
Bruno Barbera
Mario Bianchi
Enrico Altavilla
Luca Forlizzi
Paolo Menichetti
Alberto Longo
Celestino Amoroso
Costa Tsaousis
Daniel Stenberg
Tim Stack
Matthias Moeller
Timo Westen
Johan Sandgren
Stefan Ruppert
Marcel Offermans